New Arrivals!

New Arrivals!

Clovers & Skulls

Clovers & Skulls





Suicide Prevention

Suicide Prevention

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Ticket Giveaway!

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Be Empowered - Be Confident

Women's Collection

Be Empowered - Be Confident

Women's Collection

Be Empowered - Be Confident

Women's Collection

Beautiful Fierce & Free Heavyweight Boxy Crop T-Shirt
NEW! Clover Racerback
From $25.95
From $25.95
Unleash Your Style

Men's Tees

Unleash Your Style

Men's Tees

Unleash Your Style

Men's Tees

Breast Cancer Awareness Unisex Tee
From $29.95
From $29.95
NEW! Men's Cooling Performance Sleeveless T-Shirt


At Demons Behind Me we aim to inspire. Our message is designed to inspire those who have, or are working to overcome an obstacle in their life and to motivate them to continue to achieve their goals. A percentage of this order will go to someone in need.

You choose the cause most important to you on each product page.

Demonsbehindme Instragram

Our Story

Our Story

Demons Behind Me is an inspirational clothing line that started in Jacksonville Beach, FL in 2009. Jim & Chris came up with the idea one Sunday afternoon talking about their past tattoos. Chris has a random tattoo of a demon tearing out of his calf muscle and Jim asked him what it was all about. Chris simply said, “I put the tattoo on the back of my calf because I put my demons behind me.” As soon as he said Demons Behind Me Jim had an "ah ha" moment, the light bulbs went off, and the owners have been brainstorming ever since. Our message is a positive one, understanding that many people struggle with demons or obstacles of multiple sorts, but we can all work to put them behind us. We appreciate your support in helping us to share our message. We're all going through different challenges in this life, and we have an option to live right here, right now, and put our demons behind us. Of course it's always easier said than done, and that's why we'll always be here for you like you have for us. We've all gone through different things, we've been high, we've been low, and we can all help each other out. We're much more than a clothing company, we are you, we are community, we are the next generation.