David C.
08 Apr 2024
I started drinking in high school to be part of the “crowd”. This continued for the years to come but was rarely a case of me getting wasted or beyond my limits per say. Early 2000’s my kids came along, bought a house, had a good job and things were good. I slowly started moving into liquor and it turned into a daily dose. You know, one randomly in the day and then a couple before bed. I worked nights so my hours were crazy. So on…. This only got worse. Jager became my best buddy. I honestly do not know exactly how many years but too many for sure. That I was drinking a bottle a day. A BIG bottle. Lord.. it still seems unreal that that was going on. I started getting sick my nerves, like inside my body nerves, were going crazy. I was starving my body so bad that my muscles were eating me from the inside out to survive. I went from a 3x to a medium. I was having to use a cane to get around. All this time I was basically hiding the alcohol problem and doctors were looking everywhere else. Mind you I’m 42/43 years old. I changed doctors because I was still hurting and my body doing crazy stuff. She immediately sent me for a huge blood work and things. That is when we found that my liver was not happy. Finally one night at home I was hurting, couldn’t sit or stand, was in tears and that was it. I was going to the hospital I couldn’t do it. I think my head was telling me it was the end. My body was shutting down and I was going down drinking. I drank while she was taking me to hospital. I had officially drank myself to death!! My liver was shutting down. I was glowing brighter than a light bulb yellow. I was third world starved. I was a dead man. The first doctor wasn’t going to put in the work, he just told my wife and my mom to plan my funeral. I wasn’t leaving the hospital any other way. Shift change came and so did my God sent miracle worker. This doctor refused to let me go without a fight and fight we did. Spent 3 weeks in the hospital being fed liquid fat and everything else. He worked on me and with me to the point of going to a rehab facility to learn to walk again and things. Well… there they wanted to give me their idea of my medications and 3 days later I was back in icu fighting to get my numbers under control. Doc still wasn’t giving up and after 5 weeks of this fighting and praying I got to see my house again. This coming February 2024, will be four years. Fours years after my death I still have new life. I haven’t smoked or drank since then. I have no desire to do either even if someone around me is. I thank God for answering prayers and I am forever thankful for all the prayer that went out for me. I don’t know why I got to hang around. But I’m not ever taking it for granted and I’m always going to be a voice to someone when I think they need it. Those demons are behind me!!!
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