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Demons Behind Me Safe House | Personal Stories - Raw & Unedited

Colleen S.

by James Thelen 09 Apr 2024 0 Comments

We are so glad, to be a part, in supporting your missions!! 

We'd like to share our story soon too.  

Here's a little insight- It's pretty crazy, unbelievable, painfully endured  and quite amazing. 

 It is tragically Beautiful, all at the same time.

Our come back, from the darkest pit, you can think of- has been incredible. 

All the support and love and prayers from multiple communities and people we've never even met, people from across the globe, reaching out to us, have lifted us up, and carried us through.  

Just The last 5 years of our lives.... Are something for the story books.  

#1- we lost our 17 yr old, Epic, incredible, insanely, unworldly talented, absolutely gorgeous, prodigy child of a drummer/singer/songwriter daughter, to suicide..10-24-18

The world went pitch black on that day.  We're just now seeing in color again.. 

Hardest,  most brutal journey a parent could endure... 

Then a few yrs later.. our home of 10+yrs, burned down.  All of our daughters things, all her baby books, pictures and all of hers/our  instruments in a band room studio- we built for her... Everything... Torched or damaged beyond belief. That was literally just 1 yr ago. 

Since then, life has taken an unexpected, beautiful turn, for both my Hubbs and I. 

Sooo much. 

Anyway. There's a tiny smidgen of life for us, just in the last 5 yrs.  

Before that.... Chaos. 

We grew up in chaos.

We Chose wrong paths and paid dearly, for wrong choices, addictions, alcoholism, etc.

We have truly risen from the ashes, to help others, out of the same pits of hell, we've been in.

I work with prison inmates. Volunteering, to be a light in their darkness. To relate with them as a broken human, too.

I'm a hope dealer, instead of a dope dealer, these days

My Hubbs. A recovering alcoholic 2+yrs with zero booze! 20+ yrs with no dope, for both of us 

He now runs a recovery program!  I couldn't be more proud of him!! 

Life hasn't been easy, from the start, for either of us. 

We have endured more nonsense and self inflicted pain, than 20 life times, for most..

We have risen above the flames, hand in hand, 15 yrs strong, together!

There's Sooo much more to the story..

 Things like My Hubbs getting into a gnarly motorcycle accident and breaking his neck in 2 spots, fingers, hands wrists. He was allll messed up.  We were told the night of his wreck- that he'd be a quadriplegic.. that his neck breaks, were what they refer to as a " hangman's break"  

generally cutting off all motor functions, from the neck- down..

Well .. this man walks. He runs, he functions as normal as a 47yr old, hard working man does!

He's literally a walking miracle. 



Know that you are doing great things, starting great conversations about "the demons behind me" and potentially saving a life, by inspiring hard conversations to happen.  I've been complimented on my first shirt from you guys already, several times, and each time- a conversation took place with a perfect stranger, about mental health and suicide awareness. About putting our demons behind us, instead of entertaining them inside of us!  





Thanks again for every little thing!  You all Rock!!

We'll be getting some pix of us, wearing your gear, soon!!


With so much Gratitude- 

Colleen and Rob. 


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