I was in an abusive relationship with my ex for too long. I was 18 when I got into the relationship with him, pregnant when I was 19 and had my 1st child when I was 20. I found out the hard way that my ex was a meth addict who had a drinking problem and he became abusive about a year after I had my first child. I was raped, abused mentally and physically. I had a broken nose and a fractured cheekbone, several black eyes and bruises everywhere. I was choked several times and just tore down. This went on for 10 years. 10 years of broken promises, him going through drug rehab several times, and eventually 3 amazing kids. After 10 years living through this hell, I was able to take my kids and myself out of this situation. Here we are almost 5 years later, thriving in life.
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