Demons Behind Me Safe House | Personal Stories - Raw & Unedited

Steve W.

James Thelen 0 Comments

I would like to first say thank you, to the people at demons behind me . After a 20 year struggle w herion addiction, where I lived for nothing except drugs, very dark and depressing days, I tried...

Shaun H.

James Thelen 0 Comments

Well my story, I grew up with a single mom. Who did her best to make us happy and make sure we always had what we needed. Found drugs and alcohol at the age of 14, full blown...


James Thelen 0 Comments

little over nine years ago I found myself in a very bad emotional place and that led me to make some bad decisions that landed me in jail. After 6 years in county and state prison I had...

Jeff W.

James Thelen 0 Comments

Hello,I want to start out with saying my sobriety date is 10/09/2016 from drugs and alcohol. I spent several years fighting my demons. I was told that i would never be a productive member of society again. I...

Jordan B.

James Thelen 0 Comments

Back in November of 2017, I read on social media that a good friend of mine who was like my older brother had taken his life. After reading it, I had gotten to a very low point in...

Kevin O.

James Thelen 0 Comments

Where to begin. It is usually good to start at the beginning. I was born on April 2nd 1984. To an alcoholic father who would verbal and financially abuse my mother. Now my mother was the strongest, bravest,...